jeudi 3 septembre 2009

[5] the net out of time?

Internet over time find the time. The innovation brought by microblogging, and more generally by the techniques of wireless information, whether or RSS feeds for facebook is to slow the flow of instant messages to give the feeling of a real-time information . This is the term now devoted: that of real time search. One may also ask the question what is real? It would be more correct to speak of a current time, unless you consider that the only real things are those of the present.
It is a time that is similar to that of news agency press, and if technology changes, it is this same spirit that animates the new tickers. The space of this information is that of an immediate relative, a layer of a few hours of messages transmitted, reflected, transmitted, redundant whose thickness reflects in part the interest.
Immediacy but not instantaneous. The moment belongs to what immediately issued dissolves into oblivion. It is the virtue of messaging, which one retains only rarely archives. The son of time information is that of an archive whose period is short but significant.
This time is different from that of the first continuous web sites whose design was standing in the idea of timelessness. Although as time goes by, they have improved, these improvements are for ever, and take the past for some kind of imperfection that we must erase. The timeless is what escapes time.
Blogs have introduced the idea of duration, at a slow pace, the days, weeks and months. They are over information that the press is in the mail with this cumulative advantage which the internet press did not take the advantage. The real value of the press lies in its records and the potential it has to introduce in the space of the net the first elements of a true story.
That would suggest that the Internet does not innovate that much, at least in relation to time that we can conceive. The flow of innovations seems to catch just the status of traditional institutions of knowledge. This leaves out hopes of prospects for new models of media, and the idea of some places of memory.
The past is probably the area obscured. The admiration that is Google and its indexation diminishes when one realizes that the research gives little importance to the dating. If indexing is powerful archiving is bad. Even in advanced research, time management is limited. We note in passing that the propensity to timelessness, to disregard the time, is also found at Amazon, which, against all habits bibliographic confines dates publishing books in corners of shadows.
This propensity to timelessness is a fact even more curious is that few people also entered by the timekeepers. Computers, electronics, date, timestamp, with unprecedented precision the least of his documents. The right tools are also those who manage the genesis of the production. This is the heart of the process of editing Wikipedia pages, which tracks each version. But this geometric accuracy has little to do with history, but much more with the organization and the sequentiality of decisions. If a page for each tab history is available, the date of publication is not provided on the current page. But it remains a unique event that allows the reader to assess the conditions of genesis of a document.
If today is any attention paid to this extraordinary extension of the original model of the Internet, an extension of intertextuality to sociality, ie the extension of the principle of linking texts to each other and weaving between them a network of meaning, than to link their authors, their agents, it remains to introduce a particular order, one time, that of a story. This is less than chronology, even if it is necessary that archiving. It is less observed trends that indicate changes. It is less calendar that memory.
And who would doubt that this observation, suggest a simple exercise: how to research tools and aggregation available to us prior to the evolution of an event as easily as one gathers information on the current status of this information. This function has been little news in Google, but it must be sought in the advanced search. Here is an example for the case of the influenza A H1N1 keyword.
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